Rehabilitating Daiei - A Japanese Retailer in Trouble
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The case highlights the expansion strategies of Daiei Inc., a leading Japanese
retailer. This expansion was funded by acquiring huge debts, which led the
company face bankruptcy in the fiscal 2001-02. The case then describes the
various efforts of Daiei to restructure and reduce its debt burden and explains
why they were unsuccessful.
It also describes the initiative taken by the Japanese government owned
Industrial Revitalization Corporation (IRCJ) to help Daiei turnaround. The case
then discusses the plans that IRCJ and Marubeni led consortium, which was
selected as its sponsor, have for Daiei's rehabilitation.
It explores the future prospects for Daiei in
the light of the recent developments and also throws light upon
the possible harm for the Japanese economy if IRCJ fails to
deliver the desired results in the proposed time frame.
» Study the domestic expansion strategies of a retailing company.
» Gain insights into the various aspects of financial restructuring in case of a
debt-ridden company.
» Examine how a retailing company took advantage of various political and
economic situations to expand significantly.
» Examine the various debt restructuring initiatives taken up by a company to
become profitable and the help offered by other parties in its efforts towards
» Critically analyze IRCJ's plans to turn around Daiei.
» Study the recent trends in the Japanese retailing industry and analyze the
possible implications of Daiei's rehabilitation on the Japanese economy.
Daiei Incorporated, Corporate restructuring, Corporate
turnarounds, Debt restructuring, Financial crisis, Industrial Revitalisation
Corporation of Japan, Business portfolio re-organisation, Management structure,
Marubeni Corporation, Daiei, IRCJ, Marubeni led consortium, Supermarket Chain, Trading House Marubeni, Nakauchi, Drugstore Osaka Japan
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